24/7 Emergency Response
102 North Fifth Avenue
St. Charles, IL 60174
(630) 584-2485
In Testing and
Chicago and Suburbs
Where Lives Matter

24 Hour
Emergency Service
We understand that people depend on reliable power. Our team works tirelessly to assis our clients when they need help.

Terminating and Splicing
Medium voltage cables must be terminated to reduce electrical stress, or spliced in a manner that ensures integrity.

Circuit Breaker Testing and Calibration
We make sure that your large breakers are properly calibrated, so when the time comes, they are ready to protect.

Preventative Maintenance
Our maintenance program will reduce accidents, save lives, and minimize unplanned shutdowns of critical equipment and facilities.

Radar Cable Fault Location
Locating underground cable faults, thumping, splicing and terminating by highly skilled professionals with equipment efficiency.

Protective Relays
Sensitive relays often operate during extreme conditions and require proper calibration and comprehensive maintenance.
• Infra-Red Thermal Inspections
• Power Monitoring
• Oil Sampling and Lab Analysis
• Transformer Testing
• Ground System Testing
We are an independent testing company, not affiliated with any equipment manufacturers or suppliers. Thus, we provide unbiased test results and recommendations based on the latest principles of quality and value engineering.

Other Services
High Voltage Electric Testing & Maintenance Inc. was one of the first companies in the U.S. to specialize in the testing and maintenance of industrial and commercial power users.
Headquartered in St. Charles, Illinois, HVE has been providing it's services since 1977. ​We always prepare completely unbiased test results and recommendations.
Our team is comprised of engineers, technicians, electricians and other support personnel. In the event of a failure, experienced HVE emergency support professionals respond on demand with the proper equipment required to quickly meet your unexpected on-site needs. These services are available 24/7.
Carrie Liberio
Chief Operating Officer
Bart Curtin, Sr
Chief Executive Officer
Jessica Stark
St. Charles, IL 60174 (630) 584-2485